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Hip Physiotherapy

What are the Deep Hip Muscles and Why are They Important for Hip Pain?

The Deep Hip Muscles are a group of small muscles that are thought to stabilise the hip joint.
They include:
– Glute Med
– Glute Min
– Piriformis
– Superior Gemellus
– Obturator Internus
– Inferior Gemellus
– Illiacus
It is believed that reahbilitation of these muscles may play an important role in some hip conditions

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Rozelle Physio

Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment: Rozelle Physiotherapy has recently started using extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) at the practice to help treat chronic plantar fasciitis. Studies show that ESWT is safe and effective for reducing pain in chronic plantar fasciitis.

Muscle tightness

“That’s Tight Y’all”

Muscle tightness or stiffness is very rarely a range of motion issue. There are many factors that may contribute to a feeling of tightness in your muscles including trigger points, inflammation and stress.

Ankle Sprains

Hey I rolled my ankle….. It’s Achilling me Poor jokes aside, it’s an injury we treat all the time…The dreaded ankle sprain. Almost everyone who’s played sport has felt the sting of an ankle sprain… Read More »Ankle Sprains

Do you even lift?

Do you even lift? Whether you’re a powerlifter, manual labourer or a new mum, I’m betting you probably need to lift things every day. “Keep your back straight”, “use your legs”, “bend your knees” are… Read More »Do you even lift?

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Rozelle Physiotherapy