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NDIS Participants.

The NDIS (National Disability insurance scheme) provides funding to eligible people with
disability to gain greater independence and quality of life.

Rozelle Physiotherapy is dedicated to providing exceptional NDIS physiotherapy
services. Our caring and experienced team of physiotherapists understands the
challenges faced by people with disabilities and is committed to delivering
personalized care tailored to their specific requirements. Whether you require
mobility training, pain management, or assistance with enhancing independence, our
NDIS physiotherapy services are designed to support you on your journey to
improved mobility, function, and quality of life.

We offer:
∙ initial assessment, goal setting & individualised treatment
plans: your NDIS physiotherapist will discuss your medical background,
assess your functionality, and devise an evidence-based treatment plan that is
tailored for your specific needs and goals.
∙Mobility training and exercises for improving strength, balance, flexibility &
∙Pain management techniques: soft tissue release, joint mobilisation, dry
needling, shockwave therapy and advice regarding self-release strategies.
∙Assistive device recommendations such as braces, walking aids and small equipment.
∙Individualised home exercise programs
∙Progress monitoring and reassessment

You can book your initial NDIS consult now using the link below. Alternatively please feel free to contact us on (02) 9810 2839 or reception@rozellephysio.com.au to discuss your individual situation and requirements.

Rozelle Physiotherapy