Ankle Sprains
Hey I rolled my ankle….. It’s Achilling me Poor jokes aside, it’s an injury we treat all the time…The dreaded ankle sprain. Almost everyone who’s played sport has felt the sting of an ankle sprain… Read More »Ankle Sprains
Hey I rolled my ankle….. It’s Achilling me Poor jokes aside, it’s an injury we treat all the time…The dreaded ankle sprain. Almost everyone who’s played sport has felt the sting of an ankle sprain… Read More »Ankle Sprains
The ankle is a complex hinge joint that is primarily defined by the shin bone (tibia) and its meeting with the talus bone on top of the foot. There are several other bones that surround… Read More »Strengthening the ankle joint!!
An ankle sprain is a common injury. Inversion ankle sprains are the most common, making up 85% of all ankle sprains. It is know that the incidence of lateral ligament injuries is the most common… Read More »How Do I know If I’ve Rolled My Ankle?
Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) are one of the most common sports injuries. As a result they have a high economic burden with direct and indirect costs associated with the injury. From a clinical point… Read More »Ankle Sprains